Thursday 16 February 2017

Self-Care Checklist! Part One!

"Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place"

Self-care is very important in recovery, you've got to look after yourself. This is the first part of a four-part post!

1. Reread one of your favourite books.
It has been proven that reading can help reduce stress by at least two-thirds. Even six minutes of reading can help reduce your stress. It has also been proven to help more than drinking tea or going for a walk. Source 
2.Take a 20-30 minute nap.
This type of nap provides significant benefit for improved alertness and performance without leaving you feeling groggy.
3.Write down a list of things that you are grateful for.
For example, you could say 'I am grateful for .... because ...'
4. Doodle or Colour.
I like doing typography and I have a Harry Potter colouring book c:
5. Practice mindfulness.
click HERE for the post on mindfulness
6. Celebrate a small achievement.
Even if it's just getting changed or for me was catching the bus.
7. Make a best friend date.
watch some documentaries, order out food and watch some movies.
(pizza is always a good best friend date)
8. Plan a mini staycation.
What is a staycation you ask? staying at home but going out to local attractions, check your local area for free museums and country parks.
9. De-clutter.
Get rid of things that give you bad memories or stuff that you just don't need!
10. Write down your short-term and long-term goals.
When your feeling low and uninspired write down your short term goals and long term. Put them in two different columns and tick off when completed.
11. Have a bubble bath.
Add some Lavender essential oil, bubbles, candles and you have a nice bath!
12. Wear your pyjamas all day.
This is my go-to, wear your pyjamas all day and have a lazy day.
13. Binge watch your favourite TV show.
I always binge watch Dance Moms, when I feel sad or low another of my go to TV shows to watch, is Ghost Adventures.
14. Get dressed up for no reason.
I'm either in joggers or all dressed up it makes me feel confident and great!

For the printable PDF click HERE
*background photo is not mine*

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